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Carter V. Jury Commission Of Greene County (1969)


Document 1

From: Potter Stewart
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 5th, 1970
Action: Majority Opinion
This refers to a majority opinion draft

Document 2

From: Warren E. Burger
To: Potter Stewart
Copied: Conference
On: January 7th, 1970
Action: Join Majority Opinion
Memos where a justice joins the majority opinion includes please join me; I agree; I am still with you; I acquiesce; I will go along; I dissent but will be silent; graveyard join or dissent. This code includes join of memorandum opinions if it is written by the assigned author, orders if it disposes of case, decrees, per curiam opinions. It also includes statements that the justice joins, but subject to what others might write.

Document 3

From: Potter Stewart
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 8th, 1970
Action: Majority Opinion
This refers to a majority opinion draft

Document 4

From: Thurgood Marshall
To: Potter Stewart
Copied: Conference
On: January 8th, 1970
Action: Join Majority Opinion
Memos where a justice joins the majority opinion includes please join me; I agree; I am still with you; I acquiesce; I will go along; I dissent but will be silent; graveyard join or dissent. This code includes join of memorandum opinions if it is written by the assigned author, orders if it disposes of case, decrees, per curiam opinions. It also includes statements that the justice joins, but subject to what others might write.

Document 5

From: Byron R. White
To: Potter Stewart
Copied: Conference
On: January 8th, 1970
Action: Join Majority Opinion
Memos where a justice joins the majority opinion includes please join me; I agree; I am still with you; I acquiesce; I will go along; I dissent but will be silent; graveyard join or dissent. This code includes join of memorandum opinions if it is written by the assigned author, orders if it disposes of case, decrees, per curiam opinions. It also includes statements that the justice joins, but subject to what others might write.

Document 6

From: William O. Douglas
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 10th, 1970
Action: Dissent in Part
This refers to a dissenting opinion draft that applies to part of the majority

Document 7

From: William O. Douglas
To: Potter Stewart
Copied: None
On: January 10th, 1970
Action: May Join Majority Opinion
Memos where a justice states the intent to join the majority opinion later (e.g., may join majority; will probably join majority; could join majority; agree tentatively; inclined to join; close to joining; agrees generally; agree with most of opinion; in basic agreement; intend to join; am prepared to join; expect to join; expect to join part of majority opinion; join unless someone else dissents; will join majority opinion if no majority exists; join unless someone else persuades me
Action: Will Write Dissenting Opinion
A memo where a justice states that he or she will circulate a dissenting opinion draft, including that a dissenting opinion will be out soon or that a revised draft of the dissenting opinion will be circulated; this also applies to statements responding to dissent assignments like will be glad to write dissent, self-assignment of dissent (e.g., we are in dissent and I will write it), or requesting permission to write dissent (e.g., is it ok if I write a dissent)

Document 8

From: William O. Douglas
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 12th, 1970
Action: Will Write "Separate Opinion"
A memo where a justice states that he or she will circulate a "separate opinion" draft, including that a "separate opinion" will be out soon or that a revised draft of the "separate opinion" will be circulated

Document 9

From: William J. Brennan, Jr.
To: Potter Stewart
Copied: Conference
On: January 12th, 1970
Action: Join Majority Opinion
Memos where a justice joins the majority opinion includes please join me; I agree; I am still with you; I acquiesce; I will go along; I dissent but will be silent; graveyard join or dissent. This code includes join of memorandum opinions if it is written by the assigned author, orders if it disposes of case, decrees, per curiam opinions. It also includes statements that the justice joins, but subject to what others might write.

Document 10

From: Hugo. L. Black
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 15th, 1970
Action: Concurring Opinion
This refers to a concurring opinion draft

Document 11

From: Hugo. L. Black
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 15th, 1970
Action: Concurring Opinion
This refers to a concurring opinion draft

Document 12

From: William O. Douglas
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 15th, 1970
Action: Dissent in Part
This refers to a dissenting opinion draft that applies to part of the majority

Document 13

From: Hugo. L. Black
To: Potter Stewart
Copied: Conference
On: January 15th, 1970
Action: Cover Memo to Separate Opinion
This indicates a cover memo to any separate opinion, including concurring, dissenting, or any other type of separate opinion
Action: Join Part of Majority Opinion
Memos where a justice joins part of a majority opinion or where a justice joins all but part "X" of the majority opinion

Document 14

From: William O. Douglas
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 16th, 1970
Action: Dissent in Part
This refers to a dissenting opinion draft that applies to part of the majority

Document 15

From: William O. Douglas
To: Conference
Copied: None
On: January 17th, 1970
Action: Dissent in Part
This refers to a dissenting opinion draft that applies to part of the majority